Host a Child Protection Campaign

Child protection week is usually in the last week of  May or first week of June every year. 

There are several ways to join us in promoting Child Protection issues within your organisation and community.

Check the Department of Social Development for updates. 

What can YOU do?

  • Wear your green ribbon : Be a child advocate by wearing your green ribbon, displaying it in your organisations or on your cars.
  • Knit a green beanie for a child : Hand the beanies out to children in need in your communities to create awareness and get conversations going about Child Protection issues.
  • Host a public event for example:

A special service at our place of worship

A community event

What can your ORGANIZATION do?

  • Get creative: Wrap trees in green fabric in your communities.
  • Hand out green ribbons at your local schools, churches and traffic lights
  • Knit green beanies as a staff team building time.
  • Create a new event
  • make sure your organization has a Child Protection Policy.
  • Contact Connect Network at [email protected]

Take pictures to share what you’re doing with the network!

Implement the Good Treatment Campaign

It is about children saying “Enough! No more violence.”
Supported by project leaders, child advocates take to city streets to talk with adults, and give them information cards, about how they treat their children. Parents who have behaved badly towards children pledge to change their ways.

For more information about Good Treatment Campaigns and how to run one – Click Here

What can your FAITH COMMUNITY do

  • Join in on Viva’s Worldwide Weekend of Prayer . This event is now in the 22nd year of Worldwide Weekend of Prayer!

Go to to find out how to join in on ramping up for the Worldwide Weekend of Prayer over the month of May.

This book is a practical guide for churches on the Children’s Act and other laws relating to children. It is important every children’s faith or religious leader or youth leader has a copy

Click here If you would like to get a copy of Children, Church and the Law today