Safeguard your organization

All organisations working with children need to ensure that their staff teams are properly
screened and have well implemented child protection policies.

Understanding the registers 

There are two pieces of legislation which govern two completely separate registers, namely
1. Sexual Offences Amendment Act of 2007
2. The Children’s Act 38 of 2005

The Sexual Offences Amendment Act deals with the National Register for Sexual Offenders (SOR) and is maintained by the Minister responsible for the administration of Justice.

The Children’s Act 38 of 2005 deals with the National Child Protection Register (CPR) and the Department of Social Development maintains this register

Being on the registers 

The Sexual Offenders Register:

A person must be convicted of a SEXUAL offence as contemplated in the Sexual Amendment Act against a child or mentally disabled person.


Alleged to have committed a SEXUAL offence against a child or mentally disabled person but been unable to be found guilty on mental incapacity grounds.

The Child Protection Register:

Any person found to be UNSUITABLE to work with children must be included in this register.

This finding can be made by:
-Children’s Court
-Any other court in any criminal or civil proceedings where the person is involved
-Any forum established or recognised by law in any disciplinary proceedings concerning the
conduct of that person relating to a child

More Resources 

Click here to read more on the legal responsibilities of organisations

Listen to the Pippa Hudson Podcast on the importance of screening your board and staff

Pippa Hudson Talks about the Sexual Offences Registry

Do your staff and Board need screening?

To make it easier for you onsite vetting can be arranged, Contact Tony at The Guardian [email protected]

Do you need help with your Child Protection Policy?

For NGOs working with children contact Priscilla at Connect Network [email protected]

Does Your Church need a Child Protection Policy?

For churches wanting assistance with their Child Protection policies contact Grant at Scripture Union [email protected]

“The Guardian screens just over 1000 people against the Sexual Offenders Register every month. Of these, they pick up between 8 and 12 people (EVERY MONTH) who are currently
working with children, and whose names appear on the Sexual Offenders Register.  This is
shocking – on average 1% of those screened – are on the register!  How many more are
working with children, but have not been caught or convicted yet?”

Tony Lawrence; The Guardian