The Western Cape Child Commissioner Bill

The Western Cape welcomes the first ever Child Protection Commissioner “As the Commissioner, I will work tirelessly to ensure that the whole of government and society understand and fulfill their responsibilities to children, starting with listening to children and families about their priorities.’ Christina Nomdo The CPC is pleased to announce that after a 16-year

The proposed Children’s Amendment Bill of 2019

What will happen to thousands of abandoned Children in South Africa? Abandoned, orphaned and adoptable children need families, not institutions, to empower them. The Children’s Amendment Bill of 2019 must be withdrawn and reworked. Stated by Debbie Wybrow, who shares the feelings of the Western Cape Child Protection Collaborative  The National Department of Social Development’s

The People’s Commission of inquiry

Addressing the scourge of child murders in the Western Cape  The People’s Commission of inquiry into child safety  in the Western Cape was initiated by Prof Valdi Van Reenen Leroux, Executive Director of the Cape Town Trauma Centre (Full report at the end)  The Child Protection Collaborative has been involved in facilitating community engagement  throughout

What do the Proposed Amendments of the Children’s Bill of 2019 mean for Early Childhood Development?

More than just kissing babies at election time MAY 2019, Press release By Prof Eric Atmore and Jessica Blom Early childhood development (ECD) is universally recognised for its concern with the most important foundation years of life, focussing on the holistic development of the young child’s potential. It is during the first six years of