The Western Cape welcomes the first ever Child Protection Commissioner
“As the Commissioner, I will work tirelessly to ensure that the whole of government and society understand and fulfill their responsibilities to children, starting with listening to children and families about their priorities.’
Christina Nomdo

The CPC is pleased to announce that after a 16-year long battle to get the WC Commissioner for Children Act, 2019 (Act 2 of 2019) passed, Christina Nomdo will be the first person to be appointed as the commissioner for children in the Western Cape, the first in the province and in South Africa. Her role will be to be an advocate for children and a guardian of their rights.
The Children’s Commissioners role is to monitor, research, investigate lobby and report on children and their best interests. Her role will be to be an advocate for children and a guardian of their rights. ”
Cape Town Premier Alan Winde
To get to this stage has been a long process. The Child Protection Collaborative has been lobbying and supporting the need for a Children’s Commissioner since 2017.
The public and NGOs have put pressure on the government to fulfil their mandate to the children of South Africa. Seeing this role come to fruition gives us hope that children’s voices in South Africa can be heard and advocated for.
Former premier Helen Zille signed the bill into law on March 29 after nearly 16 years of talks on the need for a dedicated commissioner for children.
* In 2003 the first draft of the Children’s Bill proposed a protector for children.
* In 2005, the draft bill for the Western Cape children’s commissioner was tabled.
* By 2009, amendments and objections were being dealt with.
* Between 2010 and 2012 the SA Human Rights (SAHRC) established commissioners to include one dedicated person to deal with children.
* In 2014 NGOs made their submissions to the bill.
* A year later the bill was withdrawn from the provincial legislature.
* In 2016, the Department of the Premier was tasked with investigating the need for a provincial commissioner versus a national office.
* In 2017, after the killing of Courtney Pieters, Stacha Arendse and Renee Roman sparked renewed calls from civil society for the bill to be passed. The Western Cape Child Protection Collaborative was established to lobby to reignite the bill.
*In 2018 the latest version of the bill was tabled and opened for public hearings before it is passed the following year.
Follow Christina Nomdo on twitter to stay up to date with what she is doing
Further reading and resources
Announcement of the Commissioner:
Western Cape Commissioner for Children Act: 2019
The Act :